When the "Straight Talk" hits the road...

Republican John McCain prides himself on his reputation for "Straight Talk." Coincidentally, his campaign has been surprisingly honest. Please enjoy the Top Five most appalling admissions from the McCain Campaign.
5.) "How long have I been at this, like five weeks? So there hadn't been whole lot that I've promised."
Chicago Sun-Times, from VP Debate 10/2/08

4a.) "We are looking forward to turning a page on this financial crisis and getting back to discussing Mr. Obama.."
The Washington Post, 10/6/08

4b.) "If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we're going to lose."
NY Daily News, 10/5/08

3.) "I am a proud conservative, liberal Republica--- conservative Republican. Hello? Easy there."
Talking Points Memo(video), 2/28/08

2.) "And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you [Biden] want to hear..."
-McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin
CNN transcript from VP Debate, 10/2/08

1.) "This election is not about issues."
The Washington Post, 9/2/08

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