Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I doubted you, America.
I anticipated racism and voter fraud.
I feared the Bradley Effect and the Muslim Smear.
I worried you couldn't think for yourself. I worried you couldn't see promise and hope.
I doubted you, America.
But not anymore. Now, I remember why I love you, America.
I'll admit I had my doubts. Even when the polls soared and the crowds grew. Even when I saw the inspiration in all of our eyes, I fantasized a backwards-America stepping into the polls and voting against a good man.
But my nightmare was just that-- a dream. An illusion.
Because November 4th taught us all that we have overcome.
Not in every way and certainly not with every person, but Americans have undoubtedly evolved positively from our selfish and unequal roots.
I doubted you, America, and you proved me wrong.
Thank you.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is he a token quota? No. Is this some sort of affirmative action? Absolutely not. Barack Obama, if he is elected president today, will have earned the Presidency fair-and-square on ideas. He will have been elected because of the content of his character, not the color of his skin as Dr. King so famously dreamed. He will be the America Dream personified.
I must temper my emotions with a logical argument because detractors of Obama delight in mocking the commitment, energy, and drive of his supporters. So I won’t say Obama has made me cry. I won’t say that when I see a young minority inspired by a true role model that it makes me proud to be an American. I won’t say that I gave hours of time and hundreds of dollars to Obama. I won’t say that I drove from my apartment in Los Angeles to the suburbs of Las Vegas to knock on doors for a candidate who I believe in. I won’t say all those things because then I’d be setting myself up to get mocked by the McCain campaign. I must be some High-School-Musical-esque fanboy or worse I must have been duped by the terrorist Obama who’s been plotting his secret overthrow of the government for years. But I’m not those things. I’m a college-educated, barely-employed, struggling writer/performer who owns less than Sarah Palin spent at Sachs Fifth Avenue in a day. Don’t call me elitist because I live in Hollywood. Don’t tell me I don’t love this country because I most certainly do. I love this country so much that I didn’t give up on it after the worst president in our history bankrupted our economy, overstretched our military, and raped our constitution. No, instead of giving up on America, I hoped for a better future. Barack Obama didn’t find me; I found him. In the Democratic primary I found a candidate who represents what America was always supposed to be.
I’m voting for Barack Obama.
-John Dardenne
Monday, November 03, 2008
Is this the McCain Campaign's Justification for a Rigged Election or Merely Cover for Racism?
Campaign Memo in question.