I'm not gay. I've pondered the thought though. Is that for me? Is that me? I don't think it is but that momentary trial is more than most straight guys would admit to doing. Even beginning an article of this nature with the opening "I'm not gay" is both a little homophobic and a little gay. Only a gay man would start an article with the statement "I'm not gay." Right?
These stereotypes and constant conspiracy theories pervade our bifurcated society. There is a divide between those who believe gay-dom (gay marriage, casual hook-ups, random appearances on BRAVO) is a sin and those who choose to put more focus and attention on their own insignificant and sexually confused lives.

Back to the point. There is a strong contingent in American society which rejects the notion of gay marriage so much so that they want to pass a constitutional amendment preserving the union as guy/girl only. I think this is bullshit. Scientifically, we as a people agree that homosexuality is not a choice made on your sixteenth birthday, but a biological certainty like eye color and tit size. Should we pass a constitutional amendment that says women with size C tits cannot marry men with uni-brows and widow's peaks. Mendel would shit his plant pollinating ass. Somehow the more technologically advanced we become, the stupider we act. Now, more than ever, we know that homosexuality is not an active choice made to "ruin" nuclear families and spread communicable diseases. It's an alternative way of life controlled by genetics.

I guess the burning question in my mind is "What do you conservative right-wingers gain from suppressing gay marriage." I saw a picture in the paper showing the Louisiana legislature right after they passed a ban or at least thwarted an attempt to legalize gay marriage. Two lawmakers were high-fiving each other.