I went to USC. I do stand up at the Comedy Store, and I study improv with the Upright Citizens Brigade. I'm an alum of USC's Second Nature Improv. I've been published in The Trojan Horse and The Bearly Published.

Monday, October 02, 2006


My father, State Senator Jay Dardenne-R Louisiana, is campaigning for Secretary of State. He's an ethical guy who is surronded by corruption, but recently during the heated primary election, he was victim of a fellow candidate's smear blitz. In response, he made a commercial revealing the questionable nature of his accusor. This is that commercial. Brilliant.


Blogger Miree said...

Awesome. Awesome. I'm going to pass this along to my brothers. Have a great semester!

7:18 PM

Blogger xiv said...

When I'm old enough to vote, I'm voting JD all the way.

8:18 AM


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